CBD Information
I’ve heard of CBD and Hemp a lot lately.
By now you have most likely heard of CBD. It is in the news, popping up on shelves all over the world and showing up in Internet ads all over social media. So, what exactly is CBD and how do I choose the right product for myself and my family? We’re here to break it all down for you to help you make the best-informed decision for you, your family, and yes, even your pets.
What is CBD?
CBD is an abbreviation of the word Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of over 113 phytocannabinoids found in the industrial hemp plant. Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds that exist in the hemp plant. Virtually all strains of hemp contain these cannabinoids and research has shown there are potential medical benefits to CBD and many other phytocannabinoids. CBD is one of the many chemical compounds found in industrial hemp that does not produce a psychoactive effect that gets you “high”.
What are Cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are organic and naturally occurring chemicals found in the cannabis Sativa plant species. There are at least 113 different cannabinoids that have been discovered in cannabis, each exhibiting varied effects. These cannabinoids are concentrated in a viscous resin produced in structures surrounding the flowering buds of the hemp plant known as glandular trichomes. Selective breeding has been used to control the cannabinoid profile in cannabis and strains used in medicine are most often bred for high CBD content.
Our supplier produces high-quality, farm-to-consumer CBD products from industrial hemp grown on our farm in Western Pennsylvania. All of the products contain less than 0.3% THC with the majority of the products testing at zero percent. We rigorously test each product for maximum potency, purity, consistency, and safety. We utilize nationally-recognized ISO-9001 laboratories to test our hemp crops as well as the products we create for our customers.